Nidda, Marriage, Mikveh, Love, Torah, Family Purity


Family Purity

My Official Site


Belief in Marriage &

Happy Families


Nidda, mikveh, marriage, love, mikvah, niddah, family purity

Online Classes

Online chosen classes.

Textbook: Family Purity; and assigned texts.

6-10 online meetings.

Merit or need-based tuition grants or waivers available.


Contact Me

Rabbi Jacobs is available for certification:

• halachic websites

• choson/kallah teachers

•  cooperatively developed projects

• special lectures

Nidda, Marriage, Mikveh, Love, Torah, Family Purity

The marriage and family is the building block from which the entire Jewish People is built.

The Rebbe

nidda, marriage, mikveh, Torah, mikvah
nidda, marriage, mikveh, Torah, mikvah

Contact Rabbi

Jacobs Now

nidda, marriage, mikveh, Torah, mikvah

(212) 655-9278

Box 316

Kfar Chabad,

Israel 6084000

Nidda, Marriage, Mikveh, Love, Torah, Family Purity

We live in times when knowledge is, and I believe should be, freely available.

This page, under construction, is intended to supply eveything you need to know in order to observe a family life in full accordance with these principles.

Every marriage deserves to have the Almighty's greatest blessings.

Every couple can and should live in total cooperation, harmony and love.

Your One Stop

Family Purity


Under construction

Check back daily!


Chapter 1 - Perfect Marriage


From The Rebbe


Chapter 2 - Niddah